Ultra learning, self-education, and acquiring knowledge are not quite new jargon, yet believe it or not, they have a significant influence not only on your career but also on your entire life.
The massive accessibility to information, knowledge and training materials makes it a great advantage for the current generations to develop themselves, do what they love to do and to live a successful and happy life.
Either you are an employee or a freelancer, you still have a great opportunity to be remarkable in your workplace and differentiated in your expertise.
Nowadays, there are no barriers to learn, progress, and achieve what you want with affordable cost and reasonable time. You do not have to spend years working on a topic or seeking knowledge to boost your career, you can do this now easily, any time, and anywhere.
All you need to have is a desire and persistence, then your dreams will come true, and it is not only a bla bla talk, it is real and too many people like you did the same thing before and succeeded.
The recipe from my perspective is to identify your passion, and to work for it. Find out which skill you would like to learn, ask someone whom you consider as your role model, what type of skills or knowledge they acquired to reach their position and then imitate it, no problem with that at all. Google it and discover how to acquire such skill or knowledge, who is offering it with the best price and the highest quality, you have plenty of online resources, and then embark on your project, acquire the knowledge, and practice it.
Remember always that any kind of knowledge has to be practiced in order to be mastered, it is the same as driving a car, you cannot drive a car relying on class lectures or theoretical concepts only, you have to put yourself behind the wheel, turn the engine on and tick the gear shift to drive mode, going through the streets and manage to drive safely…this is the real practice of your knowledge and this is the only way to learn driving.
Do it, the same way, after you learn the topic you would like to learn, go ahead and hook yourself up with a small project of your own imagination. If it will serve your organization… that will be great, if not, still OK, at least you are practicing.
Do not wait, life is too short
Stop Dreaming, and Start Doing
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