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  • Maintenance Audits

From time to time, organizations have to review their maintenance procedures, organization, team qualifications, and their maintenance program effectiveness in general. Skymaint team has the capabilities to audit your maintenance department, and to find the gaps compared to the world class organizations, recommend changes and to even to follow up with your maintenance team.

  • Maintenance Management Consultancy

Maintenance management is one of the crucial success factors of your maintenance department, this related more to soft skills of the maintenance leaders including leadership, decision making, finance, accounting skills, planning and preparation skills, and project management skills. Skymaint can help your organization to develop and enhance the maintenance management skills and procedures.

  • CMMS Implementation

CMMS is the tool you can use to operate and manage the maintenance department effectively. Skymaint has partnerships with highly qualified experts to analyze what you need starting from choosing the right software, or even improve the existing one, and to review all modules and identify the gaps to be corrected.

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